This is our finished advert. We are really happy with how it turned out and we are confident that we have included all of the necessary features and presented it in a conventional way.
We have used the same 'Temptress' font here as on the digipak which you can see. We have done this because we thought it looked really effective and we are of course trying to link the advert to the product that is being advertised.
We opted for the black background as a frame around quite a colourful image. We decided to do this because we wanted the clear contrast between dark and light, and we also wanted to emphasise the edgy location used in the image, in order to communicate the edgy image of the band.
We are really happy with this image that we have used because of the positioning within the frame and also the use of mise-en-scene in the form of facial expressions and body language that we have used. The two male band members are closer to each other than the female band member whom is stood a bit further away. We did this to show her independence and power to emphaisise the fact that women don't need to rely on men. We also really worked with the facial expressions here because as you can see, the two male band members are looking either down or away into the distance and not at the camera. This makes the fact that our female band member is looking directly at the camera even more effective as it really represents the idea of her being very powerful.
We also liked our use of fonts and we were really careful about which ones we decided to use. We wanted the font for the band name to be very distorted and edgy to communicate the edgy, rock feel that we wanted to create for the image of the band. We then opted for a more basic font for the rest of the important information that was included at the bottom of the advert. We liked this font because it is very clear to read and it looks like a conventional advert font. As you can see, we have also included the hashtag and Twitter handle as well as all of the social media icons and also the band's website URL. Along with all of the other logos etc. is the logo of DCD2 Records which is the record company we wanted to use for our band. This all helps with the branding of the product that we have done our best to keep continuous throughout the media products.
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