It was quite clear to us that we needed to reshoot all of our band footage in a new location. It became apparent that we must film in an edgy location which most likely needed to be outdoors or a run down warehouse. After much discussion we came to the conclusion to film at what remains of Fenwick Colliery in Earsdon. We were informed that part of it had been knocked down after having been abandoned for some time but that one building still stands.
We've chosen this place for a few different reasons. Firstly, because we feel like it suits the mood of the video, with the graffiti now sprayed on the walls, making an excellent backdrop for our band. Secondly, it's supposedly abandoned and so should in theory be available for filming whenever we want. Thirdly, because it's at Earsdon, equipment can be transported fairly easily by car as the place is right next to a road. This will help should we need to film there more than once. This is far more preferable to taking a drum kit into Newcastle on the metro and should take far less time.
We are going to go there next week during half term and film most (if not all) of our performance there. However, this is somewhat of a gamble for us as we're not sure how accessible this place will be and we are short of other ideas for filming locations so it may be that we need to think of somewhere else quickly if filming here isn't possible. Hopefully, it will all go to plan.
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