We have received some feedback for our rough-cut in paper form as demonstrated in the last blog post, however we also decided to record the discussion between our peers after watching the video twice through. There were some more in depth and more interesting things said on this recording that weren't communicated as well through the questionnaire sheets filled in during the viewing which we think is quite helpful. We anticipated this and so to show just how much feedback we received, we have uploaded this audio so you yourself can get a taste of what was said.
In this recording we have feedback from peers in our class as well as our 3 media teachers, so there is a huge range of feedback from people who really know what they are talking about and who also happen to fit into our target audience which makes this even more valuable to us. We will hopefully use as much of this feedback as possible in order to make our final cut the best that it can possibly be. Implementing this advice shouldn't be too difficult as everyone who contributed raised a number of extremely important points, leaving us with a number of new ideas as a result. This can surely only benefit our project greatly.
The main points we took away from this are -
1. Change the band location, possibly to somewhere outdoors which matches the theme of the video
2. Make sure the band members look like they are actually playing the instruments, it needs to be a convincing performance
3. Use the tripod more on pans and tilts to create smoother lines
4. Use shorter shot lengths in the chorus to match the pace of the song
5. Reshoot the argument scene as it isn't aggressive enough
6. Lighting needs work
7. Focus on the central metaphor and her violence whereas he is more passive
8. Everything needs to be reshot due to lighting and graininess, maybe use the fixed lens to increase image quality
9. Direct Orrin more
10. More close ups of the band
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