After shooting our rough cut, we have made the decision to change a few of our band members. Some of our band members performances weren't entirely convincing and we think it may be easier to shoot the performance of the band if it is made up of three people, rather than four. This is due to the main singer Alex being really tall, therefore the other band members could not stand behind him, restricting where we could position the band. We also wanted to use a female in our band to help communicate the idea of female power throughout the whole video, in narrative and performance.
As a result of these ideas, we have recruited Kara and Annabelle to be in our band as the drummer and bassist. This may or may not work to our advantage but we would like to give it a try to see how good the footage turns out. We are making this decision knowing that we have time to change our mind if we decide that we don't like the heavy female lead concept. Not many bands of this genre are mixed sex. Therefore we are trying to subvert this stereo type. However, one band that does include both male and female members that is also fairly successful is Paramore. Therefore we may watch some band footage of them to see how they work as a band.
A lot of theorists that we have studied throughout the process of this video have suggested that females are often portrayed as being passive and voyeuristic, however we want to contradict this theory throughout the whole video, including in the narrative which we know is already very clear. We think that including this subversion of stereotypes and theories will work to our advantage based on the idea that we are trying to create.

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