Friday, 30 September 2016

Target Market Research

For our music video, we are trying to aim it towards our demographic of teenagers and people in their 20s, possibly stretching into early 30s. On average we are going for people typically aged 16-30. 
Fall Out Boy is a rock band but the song we have chosen from them is more of a soft rock rather than really heavy and so this gives us quite a different typical target market because it isn't a particularly heavy rock song which was a diversion for FOB from their normal tracks. We understand this but we want our band to be represented in a similar way to FOB but without the extreme heavy rock identity that comes with the majority of their other songs.
Typically, we also think that our target audience is going to be primarily male due to the following of FOB already and the style of music that it is but FOB do have some female fans as well which is something that we also want to aim for along with the song we chose being so different to FOB's typical songs.

The main thing we wanted target audience feedback on was our logo for our band and so we asked a few people out of the 3 options we had, which one they liked best. We took a few pictures of some of our target audience with their favourite logo and also came back with some good results.

Overall, we came to the conclusion that the bottom two logos on the sheet were the most popular but the most popular out of the three was the bottom one with the triangles so we think this is the one that we will probably be going with. When we come to do our digipak and advert this decision will become more clear depending on the colour scheme and layout we decide to go for but the bottom two are definitely the most popular which is what we predicted in the first place.

We created a pie chart on excel to show which logo was the most popular.  We noticed that logo 3, which was the one with triangles, got over 50% of the votes.  Obviously, we chose to use this logo.

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