Sunday, 27 November 2016

Diagram of our Digipak

We created a rough draft of our digipak in our brainstorming session. Here is what we decided.
The front -

On the cover of the digipack will be a picture of a woman's legs in a pair of high heels standing on a mans hand. Behind her will be bottles and broken glass. The picture will show superiority to the woman and that she has the man under her control, which links to the album title 'Temptress'. We will include the bands name and album title on the front as well. We have decided to try and use a dark colour scheme for this to fit with the bands image of being urban and grungy.

Inside cover -
This will either be a candid or posed picture of the band in a graffitied location. The band will be wearing dark clothing to match with their edgy look. We decided not to put the band on the front of the album as when analysing other digipacks we discovered that many did not have the band on the front, but an image relating to their album.

CD -
The Cd will feature a pair of dark red lips. We chose this as it can relate to the album title of 'Temptress'. The colour red has connotations of love and passion but can also have connotations of evil. This can link to temptation as the word temptress means 'a woman who tempts someone to do something, typically a sexually attractive woman who sets out to allure or seduce someone.' We also chose to use lips as they are also often sexualised.

The back -
The back will be a cloud of white/grey smoke against a plain black background. This fits with the other images on our digipack as it has a dark and eerie feeling to it. we will overlay this image with the tracklist to our bands album.

These are all just our initial ideas, these ideas may be subject to change as we move further through the process as we may discover that certain things don't work etc. So far though, we are happy with what we have produced here as an initial idea and we are excited to get this started and see what we can create from these ideas.

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